"Heaven's Rivers" - A Drama in Two Acts

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Heaven's Rivers 

by Kevin Baldwin  (Author)

A Play in Two Acts

Time: Latter Half of the Year 2001

Place: Millborough


Shortly after the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001, there was a substantial increase in “holy sightings”. All over the world images of Mary, God or Jesus were reported in the highly unlikeliest of places and objects. “Heaven’s Rivers” takes place during this time. Daniel reports for duty as a new priest in a Catholic parish serving the veritable “crosshairs” of two wealthy and impoverished neighborhoods. His supervisor, Father Cliff, believes Daniel’s sudden interest in becoming a priest is compensating for the loss of his beloved wife years before. Daniel meets Juliet, a troubled youth whom he ministers to and takes into the rectory. Juliet is accused of euthanizing her grandmother at Daniel’s behest. When Father Cliff confronts Daniel about the accusation, Daniel claims to have been advised by the voice of the Blessed Mother Mary. “Heaven’s Rivers” is a two-act dramatic play that explores a man’s faith in God, in others and in himself.

Heaven's Rivers - A Play in Two Acts


FATHER DANIEL RACKMAN – Early forties. Former eighties hair band guitarist. Lost his pregnant wife, Mary, to a drunken driving accident. Through his grief, he resolved to enter the priesthood.

FATHER CLIFF – Early forties. Head of Saint Jeremiah’s Parish which abuts a wealthy neighborhood and an impoverished community housing project.

FATHER EMANUEL RUIZ – Late fifties. Fastidious Latino priest who works closely with Father Daniel.

JULIET LIMA – Late teens. Venezuelan-American girl in a highly emotional family crisis.

OSCAR LIMA – Late teens. Juliet’s brother, friends with Grover Dowd. Both boys serve as part of the altar guild at the church.

MRS. LIMA – Early to mid forties. Mother to Oscar and Juliet.

MRS. DOWD – Mid to late forties. A wealthy socialite, racist snob and member of the church vestry. 

GROVER DOWD – Late teens. Mrs. Dowd’s son and part of the church altar guild. Loves Juliet.

EUGENA CONTE – Old high school friend of Daniel’s. Works as a nurse in the hospital where Juliet’s grandmother is being cared for.

MRS. ADRIANA LOPEZ – Juliet’s grandmother or “abuela”. Hospitalized because of her failing health.

JAVIER CORTEZ – Mid twenties. Pool hustler and gang leader. Nasty piece of work.

MARY'S VOICE - An offstage voice that speaks to Daniel.

MR. BARRIOS - An offstage voice of a resident in the apartment complex where the Limas live.

FEMALE CASHIER – Slovenly pool hall attendant. Flexible casting.


FEMALE NEWSCASTER – Ties the play to reported religious sightings. Flexible casting.

AUTOMATED MESSAGE –Should at least sound like a recorded message but can be done live at the director’s discretion.

Disclaimer: All rights reserved. Copying or reproducing this material or any part of this book in any manner is strictly prohibited by law. All other rights in this play, including those of professional production, radio broadcasting, motion picture rights, are controlled by Kevin T. Baldwin to whom all inquiries should be addressed.

PERFORMANCE LICENSE  All amateur acting rights to this play are controlled exclusively by Kevin T. Baldwin without whose permission no performance, reading or presentation of any kind may be given. On all programs and advertising this notice must appear: “Produced by special arrangement with Kevin T. Baldwin”

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Product details

  • File Size: 356 KB
  • Print Length: 54 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1494447185
  • Publication Date: December 1, 2013
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00H8TB262
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • X-Ray:

    Not Enabled

  • Word Wise: Enabled
  • Lending: Enabled
  • Screen Reader: Supported
  • Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled